Laboratorio di Biochimica Medica e della Nutrizione Responsabile

Attività di ricerca

Il gruppo è coordinato dalla Prof.ssa Arianna Vignini e le principali attività sono relative a:

  • Interazione lipidi proteine e ruolo dei lipidi nell’organizzazione strutturale e funzionale delle biomembrane.
  • Studio delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche e funzionali di cellule circolanti e non in soggetti sottoposti a regime dietetico.
  • Infertilità maschile e femminile e stress ossidativo.
  • Sensibilità gustativa nelle malattie non trasmissibili (NCDs).
  • Salute orale e stato nutrizionale.
  • Markers prognostici nell’endometriosi
  • Identificazione di nuovi marker nelle malattie neurodegenerative.
  • Studio del profilo lipidico in soggetti sottoposti a ICIs (immune checkpoint inhibitors).
  • Dieta Mediterranea come modello alimentare salutare e sostenibile
  • Autismo, individuazione di markers legati allo stress ossidativo.
  • Disturbi della Nutrizione e dell’Alimentazione (DNA): ruolo della terapia integrata nell’evoluzione della malattia.


La strumentazione del Laboratorio è la seguente:

  • Centrifuga refrigerata
  • Spettrofotometro UV-VIS
  • Centrifuga da banco
  • Bagnetto termostatato
  • Lettore a piastre
  • Attrezzature per Elettroforesi e Western Blot
  • Attrezzature per colture cellulari
  • Spettrofluorimetri corredati di polarizzatori e di celle termostatate.



    Prof. Evzen Amler
    Institute of Biophysics, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, V Uvalu 84, 15006 Prague, Czech Republic.

    Prof. Bulent Mutus
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada.

    Prof. Lea Pogačnik da Silva
    Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Ljubljana.

    Prof.ssa Marina Marini e Dott.ssa Provvidenza Maria Abruzzo
    Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

    Dott. Giulio Papiri
    Neurology Unit, Ospedale Provinciale Madonna del Soccorso, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy.

    Pubblicazioni (2019 – 2024)

    1. Pecci F, Cantini L, Cognigni V, Perrone F, Mazzaschi G, Agostinelli V, Mentrasti G, Favari E, Maffezzoli M, Cortellini A, Rossi F, Chiariotti R, Venanzi FM, Lo Russo G, Galli G, Proto C, Ganzinelli M, Tronconi F, Morgese F, Campolucci C, Moretti M, Vignini A, Tiseo M, Minari R, Rocchi MLB, Buti S, Berardi R. Prognostic Impact of Blood Lipid Profile in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Treated With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Oncologist. 2024 Mar 4;29(3):e372-e381.
    2. Delli Carpini G, Giannella L, Di Giuseppe J, Montik N, Montanari M, Fichera M, Crescenzi D, Marzocchini C, Meccariello ML, Di Biase D, Vignini A, Ciavattini A. Homozygous C677T Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Polymorphism as a Risk Factor for Endometriosis: A Retrospective Case-Control Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Oct 20;24(20):15404.
    3. Giannella L, Grelloni C, Quintili D, Fiorelli A, Montironi R, Alia S, Delli Carpini G, Di Giuseppe J, Vignini A, Ciavattini A. Microbiome Changes in Pregnancy Disorders. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Feb 12;12(2):463.
    4. Papiri G, D’Andreamatteo G, Cacchiò G, Alia S, Silvestrini M, Paci C, Luzzi S, Vignini A. Multiple Sclerosis: Inflammatory and Neuroglial Aspects. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2023 Feb 8;45(2):1443-1470.
    5. Campagna R, Vignini A. NAD+ Homeostasis and NAD+-Consuming Enzymes: Implications for Vascular Health. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Feb 4;12(2):376.
    6. Di Paolo A, Vignini A, Alia S, Membrino V, Delli Carpini G, Giannella L, Ciavattini A. Pathogenic Role of the Sphingosine 1-Phosphate (S1P) Pathway in Common Gynecologic Disorders (GDs): A Possible Novel Therapeutic Target. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov 4;23(21):13538.
    7. Pugnaloni S, Alia S, Gabrielli M, Di Paolo A, Turco I, Mazzanti L, Orsini R, Vignini A, Ferretti G. Senatore cappelli (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) pasta: a study on the nutritional quality of whole grains and its physical form. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2022 Jun;73(4):451-459.
    8. Cecati M, Vignini A, Borroni F, Pugnaloni S, Alia S, Sabbatinelli J, Nicolai G, Taus M, Santarelli A, Fabri M, Mazzanti L, Emanuelli M. TAS1R3 and TAS2R38 Polymorphisms Affect Sweet Taste Perception: An Observational Study on Healthy and Obese Subjects. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 20;14(9):1711.
    9. Bilò MB, Corsi A, Martini M, Danieli MG, Alia S, Di Paolo A, Moroncini G, Vignini A. Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase: A biomarker in Hymenoptera venom allergy? Allergy. 2022 Mar;77(3):1032-1035.
    10. Carducci F, Ardiccioni C, Fiorini R, Vignini A, Di Paolo A, Alia S, Barucca M, Biscotti MA. The ALA5/ALA6/ALA7 repeat polymorphisms of the glutathione peroxidase-1 (GPx1) gene and autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res. 2022 Feb;15(2):215-221.
    11. Papiri G, Vignini A, Capriotti L, Verdenelli P, Alia S, Di Paolo A, Fiori C, Baldinelli S, Silvestrini M, Luzzi S. Cerebrospinal Fluid α-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide: A Comparison between Alzheimer’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis. Biomolecules. 2022 Jan 24;12(2):199.
    12. Papiri G, Luzzi S, Marcucci M, Vignini A. Vasoactive neuropeptides and Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review focusing on calcitonin gene-related peptide. J Integr Neurosci. 2021 Dec 30;20(4):1059-1065.
    13. Aquilanti L, Alia S, Pugnaloni S, Scalise L, Vignini A, Rappelli G. A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study on Oral Health and Nutritional Status of Institutionalized Older Adults: A Focus on Sarcopenia. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Dec 15;18(24):13232.
    14. Alia S, Aquilanti L, Pugnaloni S, Di Paolo A, Rappelli G, Vignini A. The Influence of Age and Oral Health on Taste Perception in Older Adults: A Case-Control Study. Nutrients. 2021 Nov 21;13(11):4166.
    15. Giampieri R, Pelati E, Mobili AA, Copparoni C, Crocetti S, Baleani MG, Pistelli M, Pugnaloni S, Alia S, Mariani C, Vignini A, Taus M, Berardi R. Prospective observational study of taste assay in patients with solid tumors treated with standard chemotherapy (POTATO). Support Care Cancer. 2021 Feb;29(2):851-858.
    16. Fiorini R, Luzzi S, Vignini A. Perspectives on mild cognitive impairment as a precursor of Alzheimer’s disease. Neural Regen Res. 2020 Nov;15(11):2039-2040.
    17. Pugnaloni S, Alia S, Mancini M, Santoro V, Di Paolo A, Rabini RA, Fiorini R, Sabbatinelli J, Fabri M, Mazzanti L, Vignini A. A Study on the Relationship between Type 2 Diabetes and Taste Function in Patients with Good Glycemic Control. Nutrients. 2020 Apr 16;12(4):1112.
    18. Aquilanti L, Alia S, Pugnaloni S, Coccia E, Mascitti M, Santarelli A, Limongelli L, Favia G, Mancini M, Vignini A, Rappelli G. Impact of Elderly Masticatory Performance on Nutritional Status: An Observational Study. Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Mar 16;56(3):130.
    19. Pugnaloni S, Vignini A, Borroni F, Sabbatinelli J, Alia S, Fabri M, Taus M, Mazzanti L, Berardi R. Modifications of taste sensitivity in cancer patients: a method for the evaluations of dysgeusia. Support Care Cancer. 2020 Mar;28(3):1173-1181.
    20. Vignini A, Alia S, Pugnaloni S, Giulietti A, Bacchetti T, Mazzanti L, Luzzi S, Fiorini R. Erythrocyte membrane fluidity in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease patients. Exp Gerontol. 2019 Dec;128:110754.
    21. Salvolini E, Vignini A, Sabbatinelli J, Lucarini G, Pompei V, Sartini D, Cester AM, Ciavattini A, Mazzanti L, Emanuelli M. Nitric oxide synthase and VEGF expression in full-term placentas of obese women. Histochem Cell Biol. 2019 Dec;152(6):415-422.
    22. Bacchetti T, Morresi C, Vignini A, Tiano L, Orlando P, Montik N, Ciavattini A, Ferretti G. HDL functionality in follicular fluid in normal-weight and obese women undergoing assisted reproductive treatment. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Aug;36(8):1657-1664.
    23. Mascitti M, Coccia E, Vignini A, Aquilanti L, Santarelli A, Salvolini E, Sabbatinelli J, Mazzanti L, Procaccini M, Rappelli G. Anorexia, Oral Health and Antioxidant Salivary System: A Clinical Study on Adult Female Subjects. Dent J (Basel). 2019 Jun 1;7(2):60.
    24. Vignini A, Borroni F, Sabbatinelli J, Pugnaloni S, Alia S, Taus M, Ferrante L, Mazzanti L, Fabri M. General Decrease of Taste Sensitivity Is Related to Increase of BMI: A Simple Method to Monitor Eating Behavior. Dis Markers. 2019 Apr 8;2019:2978026.
    25. Trozzi C, Raffaelli F, Vignini A, Nanetti L, Gesuita R, Mazzanti L. Evaluation of antioxidative and diabetes-preventive properties of an ancient grain, KAMUT® khorasan wheat, in healthy volunteers. Eur J Nutr. 2019 Feb;58(1):151-161.
    26. Bordicchia M, Spannella F, Ferretti G, Bacchetti T, Vignini A, Di Pentima C, Mazzanti L, Sarzani R. PCSK9 is Expressed in Human Visceral Adipose Tissue and Regulated by Insulin and Cardiac Natriuretic Peptides. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jan 9;20(2):245.